Sunday, April 11, 2010

Los Angeles, November 2019

I never feel more like I'm living in a science fiction novel than when I walk through the gas station into the attached mini-mart. Walking between pumps used to fuel vehicles that can take you anywhere a road leads at breakneck speed would be interesting enough on its own. But add in the city lights of nighttime and the experience gets that much more surreal. On top of that, there are the ridiculous television screens on every pump airing the ultra-specialized Pump TV, or whatever the name of the network is. It's mostly the stories I hear aired on those TVs that really makes the situation laughably strange and over the top. For instance, I just walked by there and heard about an orangutan who is celebrating its fiftieth birthday. Another time I heard a quick snippet about the world's largest rubber band ball. I'm not trying to get preachy and say that we're over stimulated by TV and everything else going on, I'm just saying that I occasionally feel like I'm living in "Blade Runner."
Also, the chapstick I just bought at said mini-mart cost me $2.63. Is a tube of chapstick really equivalent in worth to a gallon of gasoline? I suppose the gas would get me farther quicker, but the chapstick will keep me from getting windchapped while I walk to get there.

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